Project MCLB Heavy Hauler: 500+ horsepower With EFI Live Tuning!
With regards to execution, there are couple of things that have the sort of strength per dollar return as a tuner does. Without a doubt, water/methanol can be close, however everything else requires different segments to make the huge power. Injectors require loads of air or nitrous to truly deliver the power while, turbochargers can make utilization of additional fuel, yet you need to have the fuel with a specific end goal to create the power. We have been observer to individuals making more than 500 extra drive with simply the expansion of splash. That is a tremendous pick up, however you must be over energized to arrive.
Hauler, we needed to use probably the most capable blocking out there for our 2006 Dodge. This venture will be worked throughout numerous months, so there will be many strides to get to our true objective. The tuning must be sufficiently adaptable to work with each of our means, since having the coin to take a truck from bone stock to completely inherent one stage isn't really something the vast majority of us have.
The Auto Cal accompanies two links. One, connects to the trucks OBD II connector and the other into your PC.
EFILive, aren't they just for Duramax?
"We were being immersed by the Dodge people group with solicitations for an indistinguishable sort of tuning capacity from the Duramax people group appreciates. To date we've discharged the '06-'07 5.9L Dodge Cummins tuning programming and '07-'09 6.7L Dodge Cummins tuning programming. Our engineers keep on working on improvements for those stages and amplifying our Cummins year demonstrate bolster," clarified Donna Blackmore, Business Manager for EFILive.
What makes EFI Live so novel?
EFL Jive’s uniqueness originates from the way that they are not really a tuning organization. They have spent endless hours building up the product, figuring out and incorporating their client working frameworks to permit tuners practically total access to all motor parameters. This get to, permits experienced tuners the capacity to truly go in and tune the motor as they need. They have full access to injector beat width, timing, move focuses, RPM and basically whatever other parameter.
"We were the first to offer the Diesel people group a superior and cleaner approach to tune their motors," remarked Blackmore. "Different organizations create handheld tuners with pre-stacked tunes. EFILive, Flash Scan, and Auto Cal are the apparatuses that give clients the capacity to make their own tunes to suit their conditions, hard parts, and necessities for their own particular trucks, as opposed to taking a one-estimate fits-all approach. EFILive is extremely fortunate to have merchants and clients who work and have been with us for quite a while, some Beta test our product and, additionally, have made effective Diesel Tuning organizations," specified Blackmore.
One of the other truly interesting parts of EFILive is the capacity to utilize a software engineer, yet change the power levels as you drive. Customarily, in the event that you utilize a software engineer, you would need to pull over and re-tune the truck in the event that you needed an alternate power level. Since EFILive has practically full access to the ECM, they have thought of an approach to convey extra tunes to the ECM without reflating. At that point by including a CSP5 switch, proprietors can pick which tune the ECM is running basically by turning the handle to the suitable setting.
The majority of this is done on the CAN transport and for the installer, it is anything but difficult to introduce the switch (see underneath). There are a few modules that can be customized to change the tunes too. EFILive Auto Cal can switch the tunes without reflating the truck (at the same time, we suggest your traveller switches tunes through Auto Cal or you pull over so you keep your eyes out and about).
The Blank Stare
The Auto Cal programs the truck like a standard programmer does. With the key on, motor off, module the Auto Cal.
Since EFILive isn't a tuning organization, when lovers get one of their items, it really comes clear. Yes, clear! There are truly two choices with regards to EFILive. Choice one, is to buy the Flash Scan software engineer that permits you (the tuner) to tune your own particular truck with finish get to. Their tuning programming is allowed to download, however requires Flash Scan to really program the truck.
Choice two, buy their Auto Cal and have one of the best tuners in the nation tune your truck. Thus, we should see, we can attempt and tune the truck ourselves and hazard breaking something or we can have a specialist tune the truck for us… Yeah, we decided on Auto Cal!
Auto Cal
"Auto Cal is a one of a kind item, we understood at an early stage that our clients required another bit of equipment that supplemented Flash Scan and took the tunes made by the tuner to their client base," said Blackmore. "Auto Cal truly took tuning to another level, rapidly tuners could contend straightforwardly against the customary handheld market, yet with equipment containing all the EFILive extravagant accessories. Viably, the tuner makes custom tunes for a truck that can be messaged and introduced onto Auto Cal remotely, however what makes it so one of a kind is that you can likewise information log how the vehicle performs and send that criticism back to the tuner for survey. Tune amendments can likewise be made remotely. AutoCal can read indicative inconvenience codes (DTC's) and in addition PID's (Parameter Identification), and offers a multi-vehicle authorizing," proceeded with Blackmore.